Val Sabin Action Kids at Home:

Action Kids at Home can be purchased as a set of 7 or individually. Each one of the Action Kids at Home series comprises a fold-up A3 sheet of card containing a unique set of 10 easy-to-use activities and an accompanying CD with 5 tracks of original music.
Introduction to Action Kids at Home
Children can engage with a parent or key person in planned experiences which are challenging but achievable and fun to do!
The 10 activities in each pack use very little equipment – all of which can be found at home – and the music stimulates activity, language and communication.
Through practice children will find out about things in the home environment, be able to describe and talk about them in terms of like and dislikes, as well as developing their gross motor and fine motor skills, problem-solving and creativity.
All this whilst they are having fun playing games!
The activities are fully inclusive and encourage positive, warm, trusting relationships between the child and parent or childminder. Supportive adults in this one to one interaction greatly enhance the learning process and also encourage self-confidence in the child and promote emotional security and wellbeing.
Important links can be established between parents and childminders and there can be a cross-over in the use of the materials.
The Action Kids activities in “Action Kids at Home” series address directly or indirectly over 90% of all the Early Learning Goals in the Early Years Foundation Stage and gradually develop physical fluent individuals.
Each individual pack is £5.00
Please contact us to place your order.
Action Kids Training
Read about Action Kids Training
Action Kids At Home Sample
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