Mini Basketball:

Introduction to Mini Basketball
The material in this Mini Basketball manual (A guide to teaching and coaching Mini Basketball) will be useful to teachers delivering the National Curriculum and also teachers and coaches who organise and lead mini basketball clubs either as extra-curricular activities or as independent clubs.
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Although motivations may differ for providing a mini basketball experience, all teachers and coaches will have the important responsibility of using mini basketball to introduce children to sport which will be the first foundation in establishing a worthwhile active lifestyle.
Primary, Middle and Early Years
Today, in England, mini basketball is played in primary, middle and the early years of secondary schools, at youth centres, at community sports centres and on outdoor recreational hard surface areas.
Currently it is estimated that 189,000 boys and girls play mini basketball each year. Schools and clubs can affiliate to the English Mini Basketball Association (EMBBA). The game calls upon teachers, leaders and coaches to be imaginative, and creative, and challenge boys and girls with very individual needs towards personal improvement in attitude, effort, understanding and physical skill.
Foundation Core skills
In section 2 an approach to introducing the game is explored which is based essentially on a child-centred philosophy with competitive experiences and a game context which are appropriate to the child, based on the concept of teaching foundation core skills.
Section 3 reviews the National Curriculum and is aimed primarily at the teacher who wishes to base a programme of study in physical education on mini basketball as a key invasion game. A scheme of work is proposed which has been developed using a model of procedure emphasising the core basketball skills and essential principles of play.
Introducing Mini Basketball to children
Many teachers and coaches, as well as players of all ages are worried, perhaps inhibited by what seems to be a complex game to introduce to children. Basketball is basically a simple game and chapter 4 explains how to adapt the rules of basketball to individual requirements as well as explaining the basic rules.
Sections 5 and 6 are the sections most practitioners will refer to directly when they require information on a day-to-day basis. These sections have been carefully prepared so this is possible. The technical content used in the teaching or coaching programme is explained and illustrated. The games and practices can be pulled out according to the principles of play being taught or the theme of the coaching session. Alternatively the lesson plans can be used directly as the content of the programme.
National Curriculum
In section 7, assessment procedures are provided which will be useful to teachers delivering the National Curriculum In physical education as well as coaches working in clubs who require a practical well proven system based on good practice.
Section 8 provides guidance in integrating the Top Play and Top Sport cards with the mini-basketball guide, showing where the activities can be incorporated into individual lessons.
Section 9 introduces a player award scheme which is fully integrated into curriculum lessons and can be used as an incentive for learning. Photocopiable records of achievement are provided including individual awards for the children.
£70.00 (Hardback)