Val Sabin Steps to Achieving an Outstanding PE Curriculum:

What is “Steps to Achieving an Outstanding PE Curriculum”
This essential and definitive guide leads the PE Co-ordinator systematically through logical steps to building an outstanding curriculum for Physical Education. It begins with the National Curriculum and explores and emphasises the importance of teaching core skills across a range of activities.
The largest proportion of this publication however, comprises the totally unique Minimum Expected Standards.
Essentially, this section identifies in great detail what most children should know, understand and be able to do at 7, 9, 11 and 14 years across a wide range of activities and are linked to the Programmes of Study.
Steps to Achieving an Outstanding PE Curriculum Sample Pages
View Steps to Achieving an Outstanding PE Curriculum Sample Pages
Age Appropriate
All the material is chronological age and developmental age appropriate and can serve many purposes. For example they can be used:
- To provide detailed guidelines for delivering an appropriate level of lesson content.
- As a reference to check on previous experiences.
- As specific lesson objectives.
- To identify a starting level for SEND pupils, less confident or physically able pupils or more confident and physically able pupils.
- As expected standards for external providers.
These standards are included in great detail in the Val Sabin schemes but should you wish to plan your own schemes and lessons, then you will have all the material you require.
Once your curriculum is in place, whether through the Val Sabin curriculum schemes or through your own design, this publication can become part of your PE policy and can be presented as evidence of an inclusive, broad, balanced and progressive whole school programme which is followed by all members of staff.
£35.00 (Paperback)
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